Editorial Board


Shu-min DUAN      Neuroscience

School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, duanshumin@zjuem.zju.edu.cn


Zhi-hong LIU      Nephrology

School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, liuzhihong@zju.edu.cn


Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

De-nian BA      Immunology

School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, denianba@zju.edu.cn


Associate Editors-in-Chief

Mao-de LAI      Pathology

China Pharmaceutical University, lmd@zju.edu.cn


Xin-guo JIANG      Medicine

Stanford University, USA, xinguoj@stanford.edu


Jian-an WANG      Interventional cardiology

Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, ZJU, wja@zju.edu.cn


Emeritus Editorial Board Members

Nelson Yuan-sheng KIANG      Biopsychology

Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science & Technology, USA, bnk@epl.meei.harvard.edu


David WEATHERALL      Molecular genetics & clinical medicine

University of Oxford, UK & NIH, USA, liz.rose@imm.ox.ac.uk


Foreign Members of the Editorial Board

Moulay A. ALAOUI-JAMALI      Oncology

McGill University, Canada, moulay.alaoui-jamali@mcgill.ca


Richard BERTRAND      Molecular biology

University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre, Canada, richard.bertrand@umontreal.ca


Daniel BRUGGER      Animal Science

Institute of Animal Nutrition, Vetsuisse-Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland, dbrugger@nutrivet.uzh.ch


Chawnshang CHANG      Pathology & urology

University of Rochester, USA, YuChi_Chang@URMC.Rochester.edu


Yen-fu CHENG      Otolaryngology

Harvard Medical School, USA, yen-fu_Cheng@meei.harvard.edu


Tamas DALMAY      RNA biology

University of East Anglia, UK, T.Dalmay@uea.ac.uk


Reinhard H. DENNIN      Medicine microbiology

Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Lübeck, Germany, Reinhard.Dennin@uksh.de


Irina S. DRUZHININA      Gene technology and applied biochemistry

Institute of Chemical Engineering, Vienna University of Technology, Austria,  druzhini@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at


Gen-sheng FENG      Pathology and Biology

University of California at San Diego, USA, gfeng@ucsd.edu


Ian FERGUSON      Biosciences

The Horticulture & Food Research Institute of New Zealand, iferguson@hortresearch.co.nz


Chi-Tang HO      Natural products isolation and structure elucidation

Rutgers University, USA, ho@aesop.rutgers.edu


Walter KAMINSKY      Organometallic & polymer chemistry

Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany, kaminsky@chemie.uni-hamburg.de


Myeong Soo LEE      Clincal medicine & evidence-based medicine

Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Korea, drmslee@gmail.com


Cheng-dao LI      Cereal genetics and breeding

Murdoch University, Australia, C.Li@murdoch.edu.au


Ling LI      Hematological Malignancies Translational Science

Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope, USA, lingli@coh.org


Pei-ning LI      Genomics, genetics, and epigenetics

Yale University, USA, peining.li@yale.edu


Yuanan LU      Public health

University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA,  yuanan@hawaii.edu


Sabrina MATTOLI      Pulmonology

Avail Biomedical Research Institute, Switzerland,  smattoli@avail-research.com


Kwan-Hoong NG      Biomedical imaging

University of Malaya, Malaysia, ngkh@ummc.edu.my


Marcos Roberto de OLIVEIRA      Biochemistry

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, mrobioq@gmail.com


Godefridus J. PETERS      Oncology & pharmacology

VU University Medical Center, the Netherlands, GJ.Peters@vumc.nl


Fred B. PIEL      Zoology

University of Oxford, UK, fred.piel@zoo.ox.ac.uk


Ming QI      Pathology and laboratory medicine

University of Rochester Medical School, USA & School of Medicine, ZJU, qiming_14618@yahoo.com


Barur R. RAJESHKUMAR      Cardiovascular medicine

University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA, Barur.Rajeshkumar@umassmed.edu


Michael A. E. RAMSAY     Anesthesiology & pain management

Baylor University Medical Center, USA, michaera@BaylorHealth.edu


Nicola ROBINSON     Traditional Chinese Medicine and Integrated Health

London South Bank University, UK, nicky.robinson@lsbu.ac.uk


Jean-Pierre ROUTY      Hematology and Oncology

McGill University Health Centre, Canada, jean-pierre.routy@mcgill.ca


Karl SCHELLANDER      Animal sciences

University of Bonn, Germany, ksch@itw.uni-bonn.de


Fernando VIDAL-VANACLOCHA      Cell biology and histology

Basque Country University School of Medicine, Spain, fernando.vidal@ehu.es


Liang-jiang WANG      Bioinformatics and Genomics

Clemson University, USA, liangjw@clemson.edu


Wei WEI      Oncology

Cancer Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA, wei.wei@mgh.harvard.edu


Zhongsheng YOU      Cell biology and physiology

Washington University in St Louis, USA, zyou@wustl.edu


Peng-chun YU      Cardiovascular biology

Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, USA, Pengchun-Yu@omrf.org


Bao-hong ZHANG      Biology

East Carolina University, USA, zhangb@ecu.edu


Dong-Er ZHANG      Molecular hematology and oncology

UC San Diego, USA, d7zhang@ucsd.edu


Xiaoting ZHANG      Cancer Biology

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, USA, zhangxt@ucmail.uc.edu


Lei ZHENG      Oncology

Johns Hopkins University, USA, Lzheng6@jhmi.edu


Yubin ZHOU      Medicine

Texas A&M University, USA, yubinzhou@tamu.edu


Domestic Members of the Editorial Board

Kun-song CHEN      Plant molecular physiology

Institute of Fruit Science, ZJU, akun@zju.edu.cn


Wei CHEN      Food Science and Nutrition

College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, ZJU, zjuchenwei@zju.edu.cn


Zhi CHEN      Infectious disease

School of Medicine, ZJU, chenzhi@zju.edu.cn


Zi-xin DENG      Microbial metabolism

School of Life Science & Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, zxdeng@sjtu.edu.cn


Zhen GU      Drug delivery and biomaterials

School of Pharmacy, ZJU, guzhen@zju.edu.cn


Heng-yu FAN      Mammalian reproductive biology

Life Sciences Institute, ZJU, hyfan@zju.edu.cn


He HUANG      Stem cell and immunity therapy

School of Medicine, ZJU, huanghe@zju.edu.cn


Jun HUANG      DNA repair

Life Sciences Institute, ZJU, jhuang@zju.edu.cn


Ai-fu LIN      Cancer metabolism and stem cells, Tumorigenesis and tumor progression

Institute of Genetics and Regeneration, ZJU, linaifu@zju.edu.cn


Shu-sheng LIU      Applied entomology

Institute of Insect Sciences, ZJU, shshliu@zju.edu.cn


Xuan-ming LIU      Plant molecular biology

Institute of Life Science & Biotechnology, College of Biology, Hunan University, xml05@hnu.edu.cn


Lin-rong LU      Immunology

School of Medicine, ZJU, lu_linrong@zju.edu.cn


Shi-ping LUH      Cardiothoracic surgery

Department of Surgery, Golden Hospital, Taiwan, luh572001@yahoo.com.tw


Jian-hong LUO      Neuroscience

School of Medicine, ZJU, luojianhong@zju.edu.cn


Wei-guo LYU      Gynecological oncology

Women's Hospital, School of Medicine, ZJU, lbwg@zju.edu.cn


Zhong-hua MA      Phytopathology

Institute of Biotechnology, ZJU, zhma@zju.edu.cn


Yuan-jiang PAN      Medicinal chemistry & organic biology analysis

Department of Chemistry, ZJU, panyuanjiang@zju.edu.cn


Fan QU      Chinese integrative medicine

Women's Hospital, School of Medicine, ZJU, qufan43@outlook.com


Yi RAO      Neurobiology and genetics

School of Life Sciences, Peking University, yrao@pku.edu.cn


Sheng-rong SHEN      Food science and nutrition

College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, ZJU, shrshen@zju.edu.cn


Li-ming WANG      Neuroscience

Life Sciences Institute, ZJU, lmwang83@zju.edu.cn


Bin WEI      Virology

Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, weibin@wh.iov.cn


Chuan-lai XU      Biointerface and biodetection

School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, XCL@jiangnan.edu.cn


Xiao XU      Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery

SAffiliated Hangzhou First People's Hospital, School of Medicine, ZJU, zjxu@zju.edu.cn


Xiang-hua YAN      Molecular nutrition

College of Animal Sciences and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, xhyan@mail.hzau.edu.cn


Bo YANG      Tumor pharmacology

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ZJU, yang924@zju.edu.cn


Xiao-e YANG      Plant nutrition & environment ecology

College of Environmental & Resource Sciences, ZJU, xyang@zju.edu.cn


Yu-Feng YAO      Ophthalmology

Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, ZJU, yaoyf@zju.edu.cn


Sheng YE      Structural biology

Life Sciences Institute, ZJU, sye@zju.edu.cn


Jing-quan YU      Plant science

College of Agriculture & Biotechnology, ZJU, jqyu@zju.edu.cn


Guo-ping ZHANG      Crop science

College of Agriculture & Biotechnology, ZJU, zhanggp@zju.edu.cn


Hua-feng ZHANG      Hypoxic microenvironment, tumor metabolism, tumorigenesis, cancer therapy

School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, hzhang22@ustc.edu.cn


Hong ZHANG      Nuclear medicine & molecular imaging

Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, ZJU, hzhang21@zju.edu.cn


Shu ZHENG      Surgical oncology

School of Medicine, ZJU, zhengshu@zju.edu.cn


Xue-ping ZHOU      Plant pathology

College of Agriculture & Biotechnology, ZJU, zzhou@zju.edu.cn


Jun ZHU      Biomathematic & statistical genetics

College of Agriculture & Biotechnology, ZJU, jzhu@zju.edu.cn